Friday, October 31, 2008


It's starting to get cold here.... doesn't keep me from taking the bicycle though. I feel pretty Dutch on these occasions ;)

Update: What does keep me from taking the bike is a chain that corroded and ruptured due to harsh weather conditions. Hmpf...

Friday, October 17, 2008


I fixed a problem just to create many many new ones. Note to myself: NEVER EVER DO rm -R ~/.kde AGAIN.

Arrgh, one month of e-mail conversation have just passed away. At least amarok works now...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The blessings of a CAS

Although I hardly use a computer in my daily math routine, I'm sometimes more than glad they exist. Today, I saved approximately 2 hours of painful calculations by using the excellent CAS sage to factor some polynomials over finite fields and solve some systems of linear equations, instead of doing it by hand.

Poor 19th-century number theorists!

PS: sage is free! try it!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Traded Data for CD

I regularly take part in online surveys for some market research company. For each survey I complete, they give me a certain amount of credit points. Once I have gathered enough of them (that usually happens once every year), I can trade in points for Amazon vouchers. This time I got a CD and a book. I hope they will distract me from thinking about what will happen to my data ;)

First posting

This is my second attempt at maintaining a blog. Expect postings about math, music, Holland and anything else. Don't expect daily updates ;)