Thursday, January 29, 2009

End of the semester & Toric geometry problem

My second semester as a grad student at UU has ended (quite successfully) and hopefully I will have a topic for my thesis and an advisor by next week. Really looking forward to that!

A more or less interesting problem I have encountered during one of the courses I took was the following:

(This is a toric variety associated to some semi-lattice S)

Now we are given some element of our vectorspace and want to check whether it is actually in V. This is not as simple as it looks in the first place:

So far, I've not come up with a general method for deciding whether such a point is contained in V or not. For some special cases it is not difficult to prove that checking the condition for only the basis of M and some (finitely many) more elements of M is enough, although I don't know if in general, checking a finite number of equations suffices.